Unsupervised learning of aging principles from longitudinal data
K. Avchaciov, M. Antoch, E. Andrianova, A. Tarkhov, L. Menshikov, O. Burmistrova, A. Gudkov, P. Fedichev
We combined analytical and machine learning tools to describe the aging process in large sets of longitudinal measurements. Assuming that aging results from a dynamic instability of the organism state, we introduce a deep artificial neural network, including auto-encoder and auto-regression (AR) components. The AR model tied the dynamics of physiological state with the stochastic evolution of a single variable, the "dynamic frailty indicator" (dFI).dFI changed along with hallmarks of aging, including frailty index, molecular markers of inflammation, senescent cell accumulation, and responded to life-shortening (high-fat diet) and life-extending (rapamycin) treatments.

Publications of Gero

K. Shatalin , A. Nuthanakanti, A Kaushik, D. Shishov, A. Peselis, I. Shamovsky , B. Pani, M. Lechpammer, N. Vasilyev, E. Shatalina, D. Rebatchouk, A. Mironov, P. Fedichev, A. Serganov And E. Nudler
T. Pyrkov, K. Avchaciov, A. Tarkhov, L. Menshikov, A. Gudkov, P. Fedichev
A. Zenin, Y. Tsepilov, S. Sharapov, E. Getmantsev, L.I. Menshikov, P. Fedichev
A. Shindyapina, A.Zenin, A. Tarkhov, P. Fedichev, V. Gladyshev
A. Tarkhov, R. Alla, S. Ayyadevara, M. Pyatnitskiy, L. Menshikov, R. J. Shmookler Reis, P. Fedichev
Peter O. Fedichev
T. Pyrkov, K. Slipensky, M. Barg, A. Kondrashin, B. Zhurov, A. Zenin, M. Pyatnitskiy, L. Menshikov, S. Markov, P. Fedichev
A. Tarkhov, L. Menshikov, P. Fedichev
T. Pyrkov, P. Fedichev
V. Kogan, I. Molodtsov, L. Menshikov, R. J. Shmookler Reis, P. Fedichev
D. Podolskiy, I. Molodtcov, A. Zenin, V. Kogan, L. I. Menshikov, V. Gladyshev, R. J. Shmookler Reis, P. Fedichev